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Göteborg, Västra Götalands län, 416 53

+467 382 88 338

Warpstormpainting a miniature painting site. book commissions or view our gallery!

Commission Info

Hi and welcome to WarpstormPainting!
We’re artists that specialize in miniature painting, converting and sculpting.
If you are looking to hire painters for your projects we can paint and assemble anything that you desire.
An army of miniatures, single display minis or any other cool idea you might have.

If you have any questions or if you’d like a price quote for a project then
send us an email through our contact form.

We have 3 painting standards you can choose from for your miniatures.

1 Star standard
In 1 star we paint the model with airbrush and some neat techniques with the regular brush that makes the
model pop. The aim of 1 star is to achieve a good clean standard that’s pleasant to look at.
*We do not paint characters in this standard.
-We no longer paint miniatures in this standard

2 star standard
2 star is the elite level, we add more to the detailing with finer painting and airbrushing techniques.
We add additional highlighting and other shading effects like color bleeding, blending and glazes.
The most noticeable difference is possible the extra time spend on the characters facial features ad other such small details.

This is a standard that will really make your models shine and make your army attract lot of attention at the
gaming tables or in the display cabinet.
We recommend this level of painting to miniatures that has more details and complex painting. 

2 star character
2 star character is for single minis that can be looked on like characters(or minis you want to be more amazing)
We add some more time spent on a single model to stand out as a leader or for display, with Applying more color theory and finer details as well.
We only paint Characters/Single-Minis to a 2 star character or 3 star/display level. Ask us if you're unsure about a miniature.

3 star display standard
3 star display standard we go all into your miniature and paint it our absolute best way possible. 
Look at the pictures in our 3 star gallery as pictures tell more than words at this level.
(Feel free to ask questions, if you are curious about something on the paintings or our ways of painting)

You can give the artist basic color direction that fits your theme but other than theme color the miniature is going
to look the absolute best if you let the artist have free hand to make it as good as possible.

In this standard we also offer to make a display base for your mini. It’s a larger base that makes the mini more a
piece of art to display on your shelf or display cabinet. This can be modified so you can take of the miniature for
game play and put it back on the larger base after.

Freehand painting:
We offer to add freehands to all our levels of painting, tell us what you’re looking for(or let us add some of our own ideas)
and we can give you a price quote.

We have 3 types of bases to choose from for your miniatures.
Basic, advanced and expert level bases
Tell us what you want or give us free-hands and we judge what category the base fits in.

If you have a cool idea for your miniatures that you want to bring to life.
Ask us and we can discuss the possibilities or you can let us modify it as we think will look the best.
We use sculpting, kit bashing and other things in between to make the minis more interesting and unique. 

Magnets :
We provide the option to get magnetized miniatures like weapon options at 1 euro per magnetized part(additional paintjob cost for parts might be added).
We provide the magnets for the job, and we can magnetize pretty much anything you wish for.

General info
-What type of miniatures do we work on?
Miniatures with a good sense of detail.
A steady material like plastic, metal and resin.
We do not paint games workshop fine cast miniatures higher than 2 star.

Commission Cost

Note: these prices are just guidelines. We judge by the size and details of your miniatures, how much time and effort are needed and then we calculate the cost.

*Prices are per one miniature

** Detailed miniatures are minis with more elements/materials to them that requires more colours. This can be a mini with both armour, cloth and skin. While a less detailed miniature for example only has armour like a space marine.

*We currently don’t take orders on 1 star painting levels.

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We accept payment by Paypal and transferring to bank accounts.
You pay a percentage of the payment to book a project in our schedule,
usually 30%-50% depending on size of said project, and the rest when we've finished the project.
We’ll send payment details by e-mail.

Shipping info.
When placing a commission with us. You can either send the models to us or we can order them from an online
store directly (the client pay for the miniatures/conversion bits themselves)
Once a commission has been finished we send the miniatures back to the given address after the final payment
has been done.

Return policy
When placing an order on a project with us there is no problem getting the miniatures back if we have not started
painting, converting, sculpting them (the client pays for return shipping costs)
We cannot send back the down payment as we lose valuable time when a project gets cancelled and have
to re-arrange the time for other projects in line on our schedule.